Our Team

Our team at Logan Liquors is professional and competent. Get to know our team.

John Spanbauer

Position/Job description


Responsibilities 1, Responsibilities 2


+1 303 2209733

John Spanbauer spent 10 years with ABC bank before joining our staff in 2000. His outstanding record of customer service and problem resolution will be a huge asset to your needs.

FirstName LastName

Position/Job description


Responsibilities 1, Reponsibilities 2


Contact details

With over 12 years experience as the director of a major consumer call center, she is very talented at resolving customer issues and making customers happy. Give her a call and see what she can do for you!

Contact Us

Logan Liquors

100 S Logan St

Denver, CO 80209

303.744.0730 phone

303.744.0245 fax


Or use our contact form.

Store Hours

Mon-Thur: 9AM - 11PM

Fri, Sat: 9AM - midnight

Sunday: 11AM - 7PM


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